Advance fees are not new yet they are greatly misunderstood. It’s important to understand that the majority of people refusing or objecting to paying advance fees, particularly in the area of acquiring corporate finance or trading energy- and oil, are people with something to hide.
Advance fees are known by other names. Attorneys and accountants call them ‘retainers’. Many ATMs charge you a cash advance fee of $3 when you take money out of the machine. The entire insurance sector is nothing but advance fees. You’re paying in advance for something you hope will not happen.
Expecting someone to work on your behalf on the belief you will pay them when the work is done is as ludicrous as asking a loan broker to guarantee he will get you funded. This is the oldest trick in the book, the biggest scam of all.
At HANSE OIL we charge an assessment- and License Fee, payable for both the assessment account and the Broker- or Trader License in advance of us commencing assessment work and trading for good reason. Clients offering to pay service fees upon completion of us securing funds for them defeats its own purpose, since we are seeking commitment from clients ahead of us spending time, effort and resources on their project.
Many stories you read on social media about people who paid advance fees and never received the service they paid for are not true. These stories are just that, stories written by angry people who didn’t get what they wanted. And why? Because they just couldn’t meet specific requirements.
Individuals and businesses pay fees for a wide variety of reasons. An individual may pay a financial advisor a fee for helping choose and manage investments, and a family may pay a fee to a real estate broker when selling a home. A business may pay a fee to an accountant to help manage its books, and to a security company to make sure that the building is protected after work hours.
Fees charged by banks are less likely to be transactional in the sense that the account holder has not requested a service. In some cases, as when an account is overdrawn or a credit card payment is made late, a fee is charged as a penalty. In other cases, such as when a bank charges a monthly fee to checking account holders, the fee has little to do with the cost of maintaining the accounts.
Funding any project is based almost entirely on two principles. Truth and facts. When everything a borrower claims to be truthful is proven truthful and all the facts he claims are proven factual funding is achieved. Omitting something which a borrower feels irrelevant or making false or unprovable claims is cause for immediate disqualification. Nobody was ever ripped off by paying advance fees unless they knowingly did so after receiving a promise and / or a guarantee from the entity offering a service. In such cases both the borrower and the entity are at fault.
It is common practice within the financial services sector to charge a fee in advance for a service. When you don’t pay the fee don’t expect the service. Just be careful to not conduct your business with brokers offering a promise.
When someone tells us I never pay advance fees but need our help securing business finance, we know two things. They’re lying, and they’ll never be funded. Likewise HANSE Finance exists to facilitate corporate finance and oil- and commodity trading sometime under complex counter trade terms and conditions to those who understand and appreciate the amount of work required to make this happen so HANSE OIL Trading or HANSE OIL Refining.
Last but not least, the HANSE OIL License guarantees confidence
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