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Service Suppliers and Brokers


Guest Level 

All clients must be registered that serves as a reference-profile for the entire HANSE Group.The One.Group Business Registration


Compliance with Laws

Comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the goods and services being provided. We expect you to act in accordance with our code.


Client Level

Any business negotiations beyond the Guest Level require Accreditation liable to Fees, deductible from any business transaction (3 months).


Promotional Issues

Classifieds and promotional service to the Client- and License Level (paid service for the Guest-Level - your full business web page.


Business level

Business conclusion and signing of Firm Term Sheets beyond the both requires HANSE Assessment and Accreditation


Associated Services

Value added services designed to increase your productivity, such as Compensation Fund and Finance  as well as related Services.

MarketScan allows you to provide, inter-alia, HANSE OIL Group with detailed information about your company's capabilities. Once submitted, and at "Clients' Level" your company information will be transferred into our Supplier Diversity Database used as a sourcing tool to identify diverse companies that are capable of providing products and services necessary to meet our supply chain needs. 

The access to Guest Level is free and your registration will be immediately online. Registrations that do not meet our standards might be deleted without notice. Applicants are mandatorily required to insert (a) a current passport photo and (b) a profile text. It goes without saying, that private scene photos, or inter-alia holiday and family photos are not allowed. Thank you!

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